Painting Conservation

Allegory of Charity, Unknown Artist (c.1850)
Paintings Include:
Common Conservation Treatments Include:
- Paintings on Canvas (and other textile supports)
- Paintings on Panel (and other rigid supports)
- Murals
- Contemporary Art
Common Conservation Treatments Include:
- Surface Cleaning and Varnish Removal
- Tear Repair and Structural Reinforcement
- Reintegration of Areas of Lost Paint
- Stabilization of Framing
Paper Conservation

Nineteenth Century engraving by Mackenzie, s.c.
Paper Objects Include:
Common Conservation Treatments Include:
- Works of Art - Drawings, Prints, Watercolors
- Documents
- Maps and Plans
- Photographs
- Contemporary Art
Common Conservation Treatments Include:
- Cleaning and Stain Removal
- Flattening Treatments
- Repair of Tears
- Removal of Adhesive Tape
- Mold Remediation
Public Art, Sculpture, and Decorative Objects

Dog Party by Michael Swayne
Owned by City of Richmond
Public Art:
- Consultations for Commissions
- Consultations on Durability of Materials
- Maintenance and Cleaning
- Treatment and Restoration of Damage from Environmental Factors
- Treatment and Restoration of Damage from Acts of Vandalism
- Public Art Condition Surveys and Maintenance Planning
Conservation Consulting for Collections and Insurance Claims

- Condition Assessments
- Assessments on Cause of Damage
- Collections Surveys
- Storage Standards
- Preventive Conservation and Artwork Maintenance
- Disaster Planning